Business Intelligence
Bolling Advisors' cyber security & antifraud divisions have merged. In the age of IoT, AI, OTT services, the current products offered to telecom companies for revenue assurance were/are insufficient. Thanks to our R&D division in Mexico, DF, our DPI partner Rohdes & Schwarz, and Artificial Intelligence Division in India and Latro in the USA, we can now offer telcos an all-inclusive solution to all frauds, i.e. spoofing, bypass, sim-box, OTT signal cloning, complete IRSF, etc with either manual or AI controled Policy Management. So this unique solution also cleans & governs the DB to prevent unauthorized sim card & circuit authorization. The dashboard allows both the Rev Assurance Chief & Management to see LIVE progress numerically & financially. As the platform learns it ID's trend to prevent fraud before the criminal can execute against a potential weak point. It stops internal fraud which is the greatest threat. We call the platform "DEATH STAR-THE REVENUE ASSURANCE EXECUTIVE PLATFORM." We used SCRUM, SOX & high security development processes to prevent criminals from breaking the wall or owning the product to build work-arounds/hacks. Each platform is custom configured to your network so it cannot be duplicated. Contact us for presentation.

Technical Planning Procurement Deployment
We take your telecom business success as serious as a heart attack; because, we don't see you as a client. We see you are a business partner. That is why we deduct the big problems from the plan and let you work on doing what you do best. So, instead of simply helping you build a business model and then say good luck, go do it; we help you through every step of the process.
- selecting the right products
- customizing for your specific needs
- making sure that each part of the platform works together
- guarantying the best price and even financing it
Next Steps...
If you find your company in problems for solving Fraud Management or Revenue Assurance, you need to take immediate actions, give us a call we deliver in minimum time and make of your weakness a true fortress.